~Yeshua In the Tenach..The Name of JESUS In the Old Testament
~Our Tragic Mistake... Messiah's Mistaken Identity
~Messianic Rabbinic Dialogue of Yeshua Jesus
~When Talmud Is Right Who Is the Jewish Messiah?
~The Rabbis Speak About the Messiah
~Messiah Promised "In the Beginning" To Eve
~Messiah Promised to Noah's Son - Shem
~Messiah Out of The Seed of The Patriarchs
~Judah Named Successor to Messianic Promise
~Moses Called as Prophet and Priest but Not Messiah
~Messiah Is Son of David and Son of God
~Messiah Of the Linage of Solomon and Hezekiah
~Messiah To Descend From Jehoiachin and Zerubbabel
~ Messiah After the Order of Melchizedek
~ Messiah To Be The Final Sacrifice
~The Suffering Messiah Ben Joseph
~The Exalted Messiah Ben David
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