We appreciate your consideration in planning your giving through
your estate planning, gifting to the Lord’s Gospel work beyond your
earthly life. God bless and keep you! Please consult your legal
and tax professionals and call us at any time.
303-355-2009 menorah@menorah.org www.menorah.org
Giving Through Securities
What are the Advantages of Making a Gift of Securities?
· You avoid all capital gains tax when you contribute long-term appreciated securities to Menorah Ministries.
· You receive a charitable income tax deduction equal to the fair market value of the securities if they have been held longer than one year.
The fair market value can be deducted against up to 30% of your adjusted gross income and any excess deductions can be carried forward into as many as five additional tax years.
Giving Through Real Estate
By using real estate to fund a gift, you may be able to make a gift to Chosen People Ministries of a size which would otherwise not have been possible. Whether it is a house, farm, vacation home, office building or plot of undeveloped land, your property can be a very helpful gift for you and for Menorah Ministries.
A real estate gift can provide you with a combination of advantages and tax savings. Some of the benefits of a real estate gift accepted by Menorah Ministries include:
· An immediate charitable income tax deduction in the year you make the gift.
· Avoiding capital gains taxes at the time of the transfer.
· The opportunity to live in your home or use the property for the rest of your life.
· Knowing that the property will be excluded from any estate and inheritance taxes.
Because each property and gift plan is unique, any real estate gift will require careful consideration by your legal and tax advisers. They can explain how advantageous a real estate gift can be.
Giving Through Life Insurance, Retirement and Savings Accounts
How to Give When Your Needs Change Life insurance, pension plans, individual retirement accounts, certificates of deposit, and savings accounts are convenient gift options that people often overlook.
Giving Memorial Gifts Endowments and Memorials: The Gifts that Endure
Menorah Ministries is an organization dedicated to bringing the Gospel to Jewish people. What better way to pay tribute to someone that has touched your life and who loved the Lord and the Jewish people than through a memorial gift to Menorah Ministries?
Memorial gifts are very flexible. Every gift outlined in this web site can be made in memory of a loved one.
Giving Through Wills and Bequests
A bequest is one of the most meaningful legacies you can provide for your family, friends, and
Menorah Ministries. Your bequest helps ensure that your wishes for the future of Jewish evangelism will be honored. We have been able to sustain many of today's outreach programs due to the generosity and vision of our former supporters.
If you are planning to write your will, or if you already have one, you may want to consider these common ways to make a bequest:
Specific Dollar Amount
"I give, devise and bequeath to Menorah Ministries, 393 S. Ivy St. Denver CO 80224, $____________ ."
Percentage of Your Estate
"I give, devise and bequeath to Menorah Ministries, 393 S. Ivy St. Denver CO 80224, ___________% of my estate."
Residue of Your Estate
A residuary bequest to Menorah Ministries directs that all the residue, or a percentage of the residue, of your estate be paid to the ministry after all debts, taxes, expenses, and all other bequests have been paid.
"All the residue of my estate, including, without limitation, real and personal property, I give, devise and bequeath to Menorah Ministries, 393 S. Ivy St. Denver CO 80224."
Specific Asset from your Estate
"I give, devise and bequeath _______ (insert a description of the asset here, such as stocks, bonds, mutual fund shares, real estate, works of art or antiques) to Menorah Ministries, 393 S. Ivy St. Denver CO 80224."
Contingent Bequests
You can name Menorah Ministries to receive all or some of your estate if your primary heirs predecease you. You might do this to protect your estate from expensive litigation or from ultimate distribution to the state or unintended beneficiaries.
"If _____________ (insert the name of your heir) predecease me or disclaims any interest in ____________ (describe the asset or portion of your estate here), I give such property to Menorah Ministries, 393 S. Ivy St. Denver CO 80224."
Giving Through Trusts
Trusts are formal legal arrangements designating a trustee to receive and hold legal title to property and administer the property according to your instructions. Trusts can arrange for any financial or administrative function.
Trusts can be very simple, or they can be as complex as necessary to meet your various financial, charitable and personal goals.
Retirement account assets, if left to anyone other than a spouse, may be subject to very high taxation. By designating Menorah Ministries as recipient of any remaining in your retirement plan, or by using them during your lifetime to be used in the Lord’s work is important to think about, as a saving tax benefit.
Thank you for your prayerful and kind consideration, may the Lord Bless you and keep you. Numbers 24:4-6
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