For I am not ashamed of the Gospel,
for it is the power of salvation to all who
believe, first to the Jew, then to all nations.
Romans 1:16-17
What or Who is the Answer?
~How A Rabbi Found Peace.. Dr. (Rabbi) Max Wertheimer's Testimony
~Rabbi Charles Freshman's Testimony
~Rabbi Philipp Philip's Testimony
~Rabbi Dr. T. Tirschtiegel's Testimony
~God's Grace Is Sufficient...... Betty Schoenfeld Smith's Testimony
~King of the Jews....What's His NAME?
~Messianic Jewish-Russian Pastor Anatoliy Odnoralov's Testimony
~Prophecy Lead Me to The Messiah
~Pastor Re’uben Drebenstedt's Testimony
~I Believe.... Rachmiel Frydland's Testimony
~A Jewish Russian .... Beata Yakubovitch's Testimony
~This Is The Answer-One Billion People
~Ex-Muslim- More Than Dreams & Visions
The Stories of Ali, Dini, Khalil, Khoarow, Mohammed
How about you?
Have you received your Redeemer,
the Stone whom the builders rejected.
In Him is life, light and joy and in His sacrifice is forgiveness of sin.
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