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Ask Re’uben

Does a Jew stop

being Jewish when

they believe in Jesus?



S H A L O M !


Biblical Question:

T. H. from Denver asks: 

Dear Pastor Reuben,

   Recently I was told by a rabbi and several other people that I was no longer a Jew because of my having accepted Yeshua (Jesus) as Lord & Savior.  As a Believer in Jesus as Messiah I know they are wrong but, can you help me?

Pastor Reuben's Answer:

Dear T.H., shalom,

   First let us understand that people are born by the flesh into one cultural ethnic group or another due to no choice of their own.  Second, a spiritual faith system is something a person chooses for themselves.  A Jew does not give up their Jewish Heritage, culture and identity when they accept the Messiah Jesus.  Rather, they gain important Jewish values; atonement as described by Moses, Israel's promised Messiah, and a personal relationship with the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.  So they do not give up; they gain.  They do not lose their Jewishness, they intensify it in a Biblical way.  They become a Messianic Jew, a Jewish follower of the Jewish Messiah promised by the Jewish Scriptures.  Remember the Jewishness of the Biblical faith. (see John 4:22; Romans 9:4-5; and 11:11-27; Acts 26:6-7)  The authors of Scripture were Jewish, as were Jesus and the apostles.  And they all, including the "Jew of Jews" Paul, retained their Jewishness.  (Acts 2:26, 3:1, 21:21-26, 22:3; 28:17; I Cor. 7:18)

   This does not mean that a Gentile becomes a Jew when he believes in Jesus, but neither does a Jew stop being Jewish when he accepts the Messiah.

Source and reference:
The Bible (Old & New Covenants)
The Olive Tree Connection by Dr. John Fischer.
Jews & Jesus by Zola Levitt

In His service,

Pastor Reuben

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