Ask Re’uben
Many people are talking about
“The Book of Enoch” Some say
it is or should be included in The Bible.
I am confused; please help me
understand it and what is going on.
S H A L O M !
Biblical Question:
Our Question:
Dear Pastor Reuben,
Many people are talking about “The Book of Enoch” Some say it is or should be included in
The Bible. I am confused; please help me understand it and what is going on.
Pastor Reuben's Answer:
Shalom D,
Regarding the topic, please review
I realize this is a lot to look at but it should give you ample ground to see that the book, while appearing to be of real Godly significance, does not meet the qualifications. Certainly it is entertaining and gives a certain air of respectability but adds nothing to or over the Jewish and Christian Bible. Just a nice story at the best, while seemingly off accuracy of history and Biblical relevance.
God bless you, and keep you on the path which is narrow and revealed in the Gospel,
Pastor Reuben Drebenstedt
director MENORAH-Menorah Ministries-
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